i'm sorry my little blog. i really do love you so and think of you fondly often. but i let life get me all caught up in it's twisty, busy snare.
so much has been going on. so much in life, work, everything.
i guess i'll just write about what's most on my mind, which is work. last week they announced that all hourly employees could only work 32 hours a week. i regularly exceed 40. initially it was supposed to be a four day work week with Monday's off. most people were surprisingly okay with that. after everyone was informed not to come to work Monday, they went back that afternoon and changed it to where we will be working 9-3:30 Monday through Thursday, 7:30-4 on Fridays. so two hours less a day for four days, 32 hours a week. people were considerably less okay with this. for reasons like daycare providers that charge by the day rather than the hour, one day less pay per week but still the same amount of commuting ...
we've also stopped all new production.
in general, i guess i could sum it up best to say, i'm concerned. i'm looking into third job options and trying to get creative in my finances and bill pay.
i know it's a sketchy time for all and we're lucky to be having any hours at all, but i can't help but be a bit worried.
i miss you blog. i'll be back soon.
2/52 in Pictures
8 years ago