Wednesday, March 11, 2009

reality check

so i have no idea why this is hitting me so hard just now ... but i suddenly came to the realization that my dad is really leaving again.

i want to go crabbing with him once more before he leaves so i called him to find out when would be good for him and there's basically one day between now and when he leaves. i've known for so long, or at least in the beginning, suspected, that he would be going back. but i guess i was in denial or something. now suddenly, here it is. he's going to be gone again.

i hate it when he's gone. i hate knowing that i can't just call to ask him something or stop by and give him a big hug. i hate my car while he's gone. i hate being afraid of something bad happening. i can't even think about that.

ugh, okay. crying at work = not such a good option. i have to stop now.

i guess just please keep my daddy in your prayers. and my mom and sisters too. it's hard at home with a piece missing.


Ana said...

I'm so sorry your dad is leaving again. How long will he be gone? take any moment you can between now and he leaves to get in special father daughter bonding, and buy that funny shirt that said I got crabs! in Newport, Or.

Love, Ana

PinkFlaminga said...

Okay, here is my insensitive comment. Are you seriously blogging at work??

a girl in the life said...

if i have something to put, i'll usually pop on during my break. sometimes at lunch. yeah. like now = break time.