apparently, i changed it to the frowny face so many times that now, it gives me the frowny face first. my phone was happy by default and i took that away.
so what was i always needing a frowny face for? what's so bad about my life that my text messages always needed frowny faces? i can't figure that out. i think i've been in a funk lately where nothing has seemed good. i don't know if the solution to that is moving far away, moving somewhere new in town, going to school, becoming a nanny, getting my hair cut ... i just don't know yet.
this is what i do know.
- something has to change. something has to be different. my life is not meant to be this stagnant thing, sitting still, gathering dust. and that's what i've let it become.
- i know that God has a better plan than that for me and i am trying to be quiet and listen for His solution. i know He is trying to tell me something, i just need to shut up long enough to hear it.
that is not a very long list of "what i know" ... that should tell me something right there ...
there has got be a better emoticon that you can fixate on. how about an intrigued face with one raised eyebrow? or perplexed face with half of the mouth wiggly and the other straight?
oh, if only my phone were so high tech to have that many options. i use those fancy-folk emoticons on my myspace. :]
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