Thursday, June 4, 2009

an "aha!" moment ...

i mentioned on twitter yesterday that i was having my mind blown by a devotion i'd missed and was catching up on.

a portion of the devotion is below. i've just posted from where it started opening my eyes in a simple, and yet incredible, way.

i often find myself feeling like maybe i'll never have the things (read: not "things" but more like experiences, circumstances, etc.) i long for. but i'm so torn because the desire for these things is so powerful and is so deeply rooted within me. i can't imagine that God would put these yearnings in my heart and never intend for me to see their fulfillment. my assumption is always that i must want the wrong things. that i must have this vision for my life all backwards and obviously, it must not be what God really wants for me.

reading this i was like, hello! my dreams are God-given. and i can't achieve them by my own efforts, but by pursuing Him. definite light bulb moment.

so even in the face of things like a possible ruined cell phone, possible turmoil at work and all the other things that typically stress me out or get me down from day to day ... even with all of that, i have felt such peace.

so, if you will, see the devotion below. emphasis added by me.

Pursuing Jesus Above All
By Micca Campbell

Psalms 63:1, "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirst for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water." (NIV)

What are you pursuing? What is it that you really want? Is it a successful career that you covet? Is it to be a musician, a doctor, or to author a book? Maybe it's a spouse you're dreaming of, or the desire to be a mom that you're longing for. Whatever your dream is, it's a God-given dream. In addition to giving you the dream, God has also given you what it takes to make your dream come true. We don't arrive at our dreams by our own efforts, nor can we make them come true all by ourselves. We get there by pursuing God.

I have found in my own life and ministry that when God reigns in my heart, blessings and opportunities pour down faster than I can make them happen myself. The best way to get where you're going is to surrender your dreams to God.

We are always in a hurry. God never is. While He has given us the vision of what we are to become, it may not be a reality in us yet. We have to let God work in our lives until we are ready. The dream is not what needs shaping. It's us. God often prepares us for our dreams through adversity in our lives.

Don't be discouraged if your dream seems unreachable. No matter what your circumstances are, God is at work shaping and preparing you for it. You and I may achieve some sort of success by our own pursuit, but it will never satisfy us like pursuing Jesus and waiting on Him to bring our dreams to pass.

When God alone is our true treasure, reward, and prize; when He is all we long for, seek after, love and adore, then He gives us the desires of our hearts. Only then are we ready to fulfill our purpose. No other person or thing can satisfy us like Jesus or prepare us for our God-given dreams. What are you pursuing?

Dear Lord, You know the dream I have tucked away in my heart. You know how I've longed for it to become a reality. I trust You today. I give You permission to work in my life preparing me for that dream. While You work, I will simply pursue You and be satisfied until my dream is a reality. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

red2875 said...

I like what you wrote!! I can totally hear you saying all this to me as we just sit and watch all our shows!! The only thing I want to say is that I want all these things for you and want to help you get them. Even if I don't go about it in the right way, I always want you to be happy and will always try to push you from just settling for what you think is your destiny!!